Hey there! I'm Erin Pasquet. I'm a New York City-based birth and postpartum doula, lactation counselor, childbirth educator, and pre/postnatal yoga and fitness instructor. I'm also a mom to a (silly, active, and adventurous) little boy.

"I'm looking forward to sharing experiences from my own personal journey into parenthood as well as from being a perinatal professional."
I became a birth and postpartum doula long before I had my son. I've often been asked why I got into birth work prior to giving birth myself. I don't believe that you have to have experienced something to become passionate, empathetic, and to provide care and support.
I saw what my friends were experiencing giving birth in NYC. I heard about their trauma and challenges. I started to research birth, in particular, birth experiences for BIPOC in the United States. I was shocked by what I discovered. I watched “The Business of Being Born”, an insightful documentary detailing the options and potential dark side of birth.
I was curious, which led to further research. I began asking friends and my social community to share their birth experiences with me. This led me to seek out doula training. And the rest, as they say, is history!
I furthered my education by becoming a certified postpartum doula, lactation counselor, childbirth educator, yoga instructor specializing in prenatal yoga, and pre/postnatal corrective exercise specialist.
In 2018 I gave birth to my son. It was a wild and unpredictable experience! I am so thankful to have been supported by incredible midwives and later by the midwifery team at Metropolitan Hospital when plans needed to change. My doula was by my side for 58 out of 63 hours (!). To say I couldn't have done it without her is an understatement.
Since becoming a parent I have become even more passionate about supporting new families and am excited to further that support through this blog. I came into parenthood with my eyes wide open to the reality of the challenges that new parents face.
But I was still smacked in the face by what that truly meant. My body felt weird and different, sleep deprivation is no joke, I struggled with keeping up with the day-to-day tasks and the isolation was surprising.
I experienced anxiety around big and small things, from what diapers to buy, to introducing a pacifier or not, and just how exactly to cut this wiggly, crying baby's nails.

"I hope that my personal experience, honesty, and educational background help put you at ease and make you feel supported in your journey."
I love supporting families at every stage of their journey. I'm passionate about educating and empowering families to make informed choices that are best for them.
By: Erin Pasquet
Birth and Postpartum Doula
Childbirth Educator
Certified Lactation Counselor
Pre/Post Natal Yoga Teacher