It has become quite a well known fact: 1 in 3 mothers experience diaper need in the U.S, yet there is still very little done to reduce this statistic. In fact, A recent study performed by the National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN) showed that several mothers will turn to family and friends for assistance with diaper need. Sadly almost 50 percent of mothers don’t have that kind of help or are embarrassed or ashamed to ask for it. These are the folks in dire need of diapers. They will resort to leaving the child without a diaper, keeping diapers on longer than is healthy, or even cleaning or reusing soiled diapers.

Diaper need has several consequences, including negative health effects on the baby: dirty diapers that are left on too long or that are reused can result in urinary infections, rashes, and all around discomfort for the baby.The need for more diaper resources from many different aspects becomes extremely apparent after knowing just these few key metics.
While diaper banks, diaper drives, free diaper organizations, and other diaper resources help alleviate this need somewhat, they rely heavily, if not solely, on donations. Without sufficient funding, many of these banks are unable to meet the high demand, especially during the pandemic. That being said, here are some diaper resources for those that are in need of diapers.
Diaper banks/resources:

- (This link provides a full list of diaper banks in each of the fifty states.)
- The National Diaper Bank Network program offers emergency diapers and basic necessity assistance for families in need. They also have 24/7 specialists ready to help you find resources.
- Infant Crisis Services Inc. is an organization dedicated to infancy crisis services that need the following: formula, food, diapers, blankets, clothing, and other basic necessities. You will need to schedule an appointment through them for assistance.
- Need Help Paying Bills offers a comprehensive list of resources on finances, food, work, utility help, diaper needs assistance programs, and more.
- Share the Love offers families with diaper needs a set of cloth diapers free of charge (if you qualify). If you receive assistance through WIC and TANF, consider applying directly to their diaper distribution program.
Without the ability to provide a basic need for their child, many mothers begin to feel like unfit parents and eventually become depressed.Diaper need has been found to be a leading cause forpostpartum depression for low-income and struggling mothers. Here are some sites and helplines that mothers can rely on for assistance duringsuch a difficult time.
Postpartum depression resources:

If you are looking to get help or get involved in lowering the diaper need, here are some ways/sites.
Where/How can we help:

- By helping to alleviate diaper need in the U.S. with our one-for-one diaper matching donation program, you are helping to reduce the risk of postpartum depression.
- Founded in 2001, Good+Foundation is a leading national nonprofit that works to dismantle multi-generational poverty by pairing tangible goods with innovative services for low-income fathers, mothers and caregivers, creating an upward trajectory for the whole family. This is the premise on which we build Believe Diapers, which is why we couldn’t think of a better partner.